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6 53. Percentage of patients taking beta blockers kept on the beta blockers just before and aer surgery: 98 percent 54. Percentage of patients given the right kind of antibiotic to prevent infection: 99 percent 55. Percentage of patients whose urinary catheters were removed on the first or second post-surgical day: 98 percent Emergency department patient data 56. Average time spent in the emergency department before being admitted as an inpatient: 279 minutes 57. Average time spent in the emergency department aer doctor decided to admit them as an inpatient before moving from emergency department to inpatient room: 99 minutes 58. Average time spent in the emergency department before being sent home: 141 minutes 59. Average time spent in the emergency department before being seen by a healthcare professional: 24 minutes 60. Average time spent waiting with broken bones before receiving pain medication: 54 minutes 61. Percentage of patients who came to the emergency room with stroke symptoms and received brain scan results within 45 minutes of arrival: 67 percent 62. Percentage of patients assessed and given influenza vaccination: 94 percent 63. Percentage of healthcare workers given influenza vaccination: 84 percent Blood clot prevention and treatment 64. Patients who got treatment to prevent blood clots on the day of or day aer hospital admission or surgery: 93 percent 65. Patients with blood clots who were discharged on a blood thinner medication and received written instructions about that medicine: 91 percent 66: Patients who developed a blood clot while in the hospital who did not get treatment that could have prevented it: 4 percent Patient Experience Entries 67 through 77 are based on data from CMS' Hospital Compare, last updated May 4, 2016. Data presented reflect the national average. Percentage of patients reporting that something was "always" done during their hospital stays: 67. Nurses communicated well: 80 percent 68. Physicians communicated well: 82 percent 69. Patients received help as soon as they wanted: 68 percent 70. Pain was well controlled: 71 percent 71. Staff explained medicines before administration: 65 percent 72. Room and bathroom were clean: 74 percent. 73. Area around patient room was quiet at night: 62 percent 74. Information was given to patients about what to do at home during recovery: 86 percent 75. Patients rated their hospital a 9 or 10 (10 being the highest): 71 percent 76. Patients reported they would recommend their hospital: 71 percent 77. Patients "strongly agree" that they understood their care when they le the hospital: 52 percent Patient Volumes & Hospital Beds Entries 78 through 82 are from the Kaiser Family Foundation's 2014 State Health Facts. Data presented represent the average annual patient volume per 1,000 population. 78. Number of hospital admissions: 104 79. Number of hospital inpatient days: 566 80. Hospital emergency room visits: 428 81. Hospital outpatient visits: 2,174 82. Hospital beds: 2.5 Access to Care Entry 83 is from the CDC's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2014 Survey, using data from 464,664 surveyed respondents in all U.S. states and territories. 83. Percentage of adults not seeing a physician in past 12 months due to cost: 14.3 percent Patient Safety Culture Entries 84 through 100 are based on data from AHRQ's Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture 2016 User Comparative Database Report, using data from 447,584 surveyed hospital staff respondents from 680 hospitals. 84. Percentage of hospital staff reporting teamwork within units: 10th percentile: 75 percent 25th percentile: 79 percent Median: 82 percent 75th percentile: 85 percent 90th percentile: 88 percent Average: 82 percent 85. Percentage of hospital staff reporting supervisor/manager expecta- tions and actions promoting patient safety: 10th percentile: 71 percent 25th percentile: 75 percent Median: 79 percent 75th percentile: 83 percent 90th percentile: 86 percent Average: 78 percent 86. Percentage of hospital staff reporting organizational learning and continuous improvement from mistakes: 10th percentile: 63 percent 25th percentile: 68 percent Median: 73 percent 75th percentile: 77 percent 90th percentile: 81 percent Average: 73 percent 87. Percentage of hospital staff reporting management support for patient safety: 10th percentile: 60 percent 25th percentile: 67 percent Median: 73 percent 75th percentile: 79 percent 90th percentile: 83 percent Average: 72 percent