Note: Ad page number(s) given in parentheses
Benvenue Medical.
info@benvenuemedical.com / www.
benvenuemedical.com/fair-balance /
(408) 454-9300 (pg. 5)
Centinel Spine.
cs@centinelspine.com / www.
centinelspine.com / (484) 887-8810
(pg. 52)
GS Medical
info@gsmedicalusa.com / www.
gsmedicalusa.com / (866) 904-8144
(pgs. 23 - 26)
www.invibiospine.com / (866)-468-
4246 (pg. 22)
www.invuity.com / (415) 655-2100
(pg. 42)
L3 Healthcare Design, Inc.
www.l3asc.com / (866) 929-5353 (pg.
www.misonix.com / (631) 694-9555
(pg. 50)
Mizuho OSI.
www.mizuhosi.com/trios / (510) 429-
1500 (pg. 47)
National Medical Billing
info@nationalascbilling.com / www.
nationalascbilling.com / (636) 273-
6711 (pg. 7)
www.orthofix.com / (888) 298-5700
(pg. 2)
Pacira Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
www.exparel.com / (855) 793-9727
(pgs. 3 - 4)
www.strykerivs.com / (201) 760-8000
(pgs. 12 - 15)
3. There is risk. e stock market is a risky business.
Sometimes, with great risk comes great reward, but not
always. When investing in stock, surgeons should weigh the
possible gains and losses.
"Surgeons should understand the risks and how one
would react to the risks playing out in their investment
portfolios," says Mr. Potter. "is is critical in constructing
a long-term investment plan that a surgeon can stick with
through good and bad markets."
4. Separate the market from the medicine.
"Surgeons may be entrepreneurs and active investors in
companies either in start-ups or as passive investors," says
Dr. Freedland. "It is incumbent upon them to separate out
their investment activity from their medical decisions to act
always in the patient's best interest."
5. Diversify your portfolio. A financial advisor will
have a comprehensive understanding of the different types of
stocks, inside and outside of the healthcare sector. A finan-
cial advisor may serve as a great resource when a surgeon
wants to diversify his/her stock.
"Many of the healthcare companies that develop inno-
vative technologies and remedies in medicine raise capital
through the stock market," says Clint Gautreau, financial
advisor at Horizon Wealth Management in Baton Rouge, La.
"Surgeons should know that the stock market is a great place
for them to diversity and grow their wealth by buying into
companies and industries outside of healthcare." n