Note: Ad page number(s) given in parentheses
(800) 321-9647 (pg. 44)
healthmark@hmark.com /
www.healthmarkgi.com / (800) 521-6224 (pg. 5)
Ivera Medical.
answers@curos.com / www.curos.com/studies
(888) 530-4650 (pg. 46)
Maquet Medical Systems USA.
info.zentrale@maquet.de /
www.maquetusa.com (pg. 2)
MoInlycke Healthcare.
www.moInlcyke.us /
(470) 375-0000 (pgs. 23 - 26)
Palmero Health Care.
www.palmerohealth.com/requestsamples /
(800) 344-6424 (pg. 30)
www.pdihc.com/prevanticsdeviceswabclinical /
(800) 999-6423 (pg. 48)
Surgical Directions.
info@surgicaldirections.com / www.surgicaldirections.com /
(312) 870-5600 (pgs. 14 - 17)
beccawinter@tru-d.com / www.tru-d.com /
(800) 774-5799 (pg. 33)
Vanish Point.
www.vanishpoint.com / (888) 703-1010 (pg. 38)
www.xenex.com/vicki / (888) 299-1914 (pg. 3)
Catalina Island Medical Center in Avalon, Calif.,
named David Hamlin, RN, as its CNO and director
of patient care services.
Shelly Harkins, MD, CMO of Belleville, Ill.-based St.
Elizabeth's Hospital, resigned to take on the role of
CMO of Beacon Health System in South Bend, Ind.
Boston Medical Center appointed ea James, MD,
as vice president of mission and associate CMO.
Maryville, Ill.-based Anderson Hospital, named
Charles Lane, MD, as its first CMO.
New York City-based Lenox Hill Hospital, part of
North Shore-LIJ Health System, named Irene Macyk,
RN, BSN, as CNO and executive director of patient
care services.
Mercy Health-Cincinnati named Justin McGoldrick,
MD, as its CMO.
Oak Hill Hospital in Spring Hill, Fla., appointed
Peggy Madill, RN, BSN, as vice president of quality
and patient safety.
St. David's Round Rock (Texas) Medical Center
named Cindy Nicholas as CNO.
Mary Shehan, DNP, RN, was named CNO of Weiss
Memorial Hospital in Chicago.
Patricia Sheyka, RN, CNO of Gila Regional Medical
Center in Silver City, N.M., plans to retire at the end
of August. Peggy White will replace her.
Jennifer omas, DNP, RN, was named CNO of
Mercy Hospital Fort Smith (Ark.).
Parkland Health & Hospital System in Dallas chose
Karen S. Watts, MSN, RN, as executive vice president
and CNO. n