Becker's Clinical Quality & Infection Control

Becker's Infection Control and Clinical Quality September 2015

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Vicki A. Darnell, President & CEO, Ephraim McDowell Health We made a change that was right for our community. Already recognized by the Joint Commission as a Top Performing Hospital, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center partnered with their hospital's Health Care Foundation to add Xenex Germ-Zapping Robots ™ to their cleaning protocols to reduce the incidence of hospital acquired infections (HAIs) and provide a healing environment for their community. 1. Nagaraja A, et al., Westchester Medical Center in AJIC 2015. 2. Levin J, et al., Cooley Dickinson in AJIC 2013, 41:746- 748. 3. Simmons S, et al., Cone Health System in JIP 2013. Peer reviewed published outcomes: 70% reduction in ICU C. diff infection rates. 1 53% reduction in C. diff infection rates. 2 57% reduction in MRSA infection rates. 3 Join Vicki as a Face of Change. Become a Face of Change Today. | 888 299 1914 | @XenexDisinfect

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