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he amount of money a typical family
pays for healthcare is rising, according
to a recent study from Milliman report-
ed in Insurance Journal.
The study examines healthcare costs for a typical
American family of four with employer-spon-
sored PPO plans.
Here are eight things to know from the study:
1. Healthcare costs are expected to rise 6.3 percent
this year.
2. High prescription drug prices are the main
3. The total bill for healthcare costs in a family of
four is expected to hit $24,671; the employer is on
the hook for around $14,198 and the employee
pays on average $10,473.
4. The consumer price index increased 0.2 percent
in March — healthcare costs are increasing at a
rate far outpacing the consumer price index.
5. For the fifth year in a row, employees are assum-
ing an increasing percentage of the total cost of care.
6. The total costs — including payroll deductions
and out-of-pocket expenses — for healthcare is
up 43 percent this year over 2010; at the same
time employer costs are up 32 percent.
7. Payroll deductions accounted for $6,408 of the
total healthcare costs for families this year, with
$4,065 being out-of-pocket expenses.
8. Prescription drugs are expected to account for
$467, a 13 percent increase over 2010. n
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ASCs Inc.
jonvick@ascs-inc.com / www.ascs-inc.com / (760) 751-0250
(pgs. 46, 47)
www.statkit.com/statkit750 / (888) 782-8548 (pg. 23)
Blue Belt Technologies.
outpatient@bluebelttech.com / www.bluebelttech.com /
(763) 452-4910 (pg. 4)
www.ellex.com/ab-interno / (800) 824-7444 (pg. 48-51)
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EVEIA Health.
info@eveia.com / www.eveia.com / (425) 657-0494 (pg. 9)
salesteam@gmed.com / www.gmed.com/endoworks /
(888) 577-8801 (pg. 5)
HealthCare Appraisers.
info@hcfmv.com / www.healthcareappraisers.com / (561) 330-3488
(pgs. 12 - 15)
info@in2itive.org / www.in2itive.org / (913) 344-7837 (pg. 2)
Interventional Management Services.
info@physiciancontrol.com / www.physiciancontrol.com /
(404) 920-4950 (pgs. 20,42 - 45)
Kaye/Bassman International Corp.
gnz@kbic.com / www.kbic.com / (972) 265-5290 (pg. 38)
National Medical Billing Services.
info@nationalascbilling.com / www.nationalascbilling.com /
(636) 273-6711 (pg. 39)
www.pharmedium.com / (800) 523-7749 (pg. 25)
Somnia Anesthesia.
www.somniainc.com/ascpitfalls / (877) 795-5788 (pg. 55)
info@sourcemed.com / www.sourcemed.net / (800) 719-1904 (pg. 3)
Surgical Management Professionals (SMP).
info@smpsd.com / www.smpsd.com / (605) 444-8207 (pg. 10)
VMG Health.
jessica@vmghealth.com / www.vmghealth.com / (214) 639-4888
(pg. 56)
Healthcare Costs Up 6.3% for American
Families in 2015 — 8 Key Notes
By Laura Dyrda