Register Today for the 20th Annual Ambulatory Surgery Centers Conference in Chicago, October 24-26--Call 1-800-417-2035
Market factors play the biggest role in what compensation offer to make
a candidate. He suggests paying whatever it takes to get a person who will
be the best fit for the ASC.
"Sometimes hiring authorities look at salary surveys and say, 'The average
salary is $120,000. Why should I pay $125,000?'" he says. "I tell them they
shouldn't pay that if they want to hire an average person."
Everybody wants a superstar, he adds, but you get what you pay for; a
great DON is no exception. He recommends hiring a person and adjusting the salary offer to fit the quality of the person, rather than hiring to fit
a salary. A quality hire will be a better long-term investment.
7. Seek passion. Passionate, enthusiastic candidates will bring their
infectious attitudes to the ASC, and it will rub off on other staff members, patients and families. Clinicians also want to work with passionate
people who value their work.
"The DON sets the tone for that kind of passionate culture in the facilities," Mr. Zoch says. "Passion also tends to hold the bar high and create
a culture of accountability. You cannot be passionate and be apathetic
about clinical standards or customer service."
Passion, while important to the energy and enthusiasm of the staff, also
translates into increased profits. DONs with a high clinical IQ and a passion for their work will instill higher worker retention rates and make the
ASC more profitable.
"Quality is cheaper in the long run than the cheap option is in the short
run," he says. "Quality is always the most affordable option if you measure it over the course of time." n
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Interventional Management Services. sr@physiciancontrol.com /
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