Becker's Hospital Review


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41 EXECUTIVE BRIEFING Bridging the fi nancial and clinical divide One of the unique strengths of Banyan's Virtual Nursing model is its ability to align the interests of CFOs and chief nursing offi cers. "CFOs appreciate the clear, measurable fi nancial benefi ts, while CNOs see the value in enhancing patient care and reducing nurse burnout," Mr. Buda said. This alignment creates a more cohesive and effective healthcare delivery strategy. It ensures both sides work toward the same goals, improving overall outcomes for the hospital and its patients. The future of virtual nursing: preparing for what's next Mr. Buda envisions virtual nursing will become an even more integral part of healthcare delivery. "In the next fi ve years, advancements in technology will allow virtual nurses to take on even more complex tasks, further reducing the burden on bedside staff and improving patient outcomes," he said. As AI, machine learning and telehealth platforms continue to evolve, the capabilities of virtual nurses will expand, enabling them to manage more sophisticated aspects of patient care. This technological evolution will empower hospitals to deliver more personalized and effi cient care, ultimately driving down costs while enhancing outcomes. Mr. Buda also highlighted the growing importance of continuity of care, which is often lost in today's fragmented healthcare delivery system. "Virtual nurses will play a critical role in supporting continuity of care as patients transition from the hospital to outpatient settings, home health and long-term care facilities," Mr. Buda said. This ability to extend care beyond the hospital setting ensures that patients receive consistent, high-quality care throughout their entire healthcare journey — essential for improving outcomes and reducing readmissions. By moving beyond the confi nes of the hospital, virtual nursing can provide consistent, high-quality care in various settings, making it a crucial component of modern healthcare. To prepare for this future state, Mr. Buda advises healthcare leaders to act now. "Healthcare leaders must adopt scalable, fl exible virtual nursing models and invest in training their teams to work effectively alongside virtual nurses," he said. Those who do, Mr. Buda said, will be better positioned to thrive in an increasingly complex and demanding healthcare environment. In his concluding remarks, Mr. Buda emphasized that virtual nursing is not merely a temporary solution. "Virtual Nursing isn't just a stopgap; it's the future of healthcare delivery," he said. By adopting this model, hospitals can reduce costs, optimize resources and improve patient care, ensuring long-term success in a challenging and ever-evolving landscape. Banyan Medical Solutions provides a virtual nursing care model that integrates with bedside teams and patients, addressing staffi ng challenges and enhancing care quality. Their platform supports real-time communication, data sharing, and patient monitoring, improving workfl ow effi ciency, patient outcomes, and return on investment. At Banyan Medical Solutions, we are dedicated to guiding our partners through this transformative shift in healthcare. Our Virtual Nursing model is crafted to be scalable, sustainable, and aligned with our clients' fi nancial and clinical goals. What sets Banyan apart is our end-to-end solution, which includes the technology platform, managed staffi ng, expert clinical consultancy, and robust data analytics. As we continue to innovate and enhance Virtual Nursing's capabilities, we look forward to collaborating with healthcare leaders to shape a more effi cient and promising future for the industry.

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