Becker's Clinical Quality & Infection Control


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11 Executive Briefing 2 EXECUTIVE BRIEFING Ecolab's 100% plastic-free 3 wipes help improve sustainability and operational efficiency for healthcare facilities With a canister of traditional hospital disinfectant wipes, the wipes themselves represent almost 60% of the plastic 2 , and the packaging represents the remaining 40%. Ecolab's new readily degradable disinfectant wipe addresses these sources of single-use plastic waste in two ways. First, the wipes themselves are 100% plastic-free 3 . Second, the soft pack offers a 90%+ reduction in plastic compared to the leading supplier's similarly sized canister 3 . By moving to Ecolab's new product, healthcare organizations can achieve a 90%+ reduction in the plastic associated with disinfectant wipes. "With wipes, the way to address plastic waste is to not make them out of plastic in the first place," Dr. Fast said. "By using substrate derived 100% from wood-pulp fibers, our disinfectant wipe never has the opportunity to become plastic waste." ASTM D5511 is an accelerated landfill biodegradation test, with optimal test conditions, that enables a direct comparison of materials in a controlled environment. Under these test conditions the Ecolab Disinfectant 1 Wipe, with plastic-free substrate, achieved 94.3% relative biodegradation in 15 days By comparison the disinfectant wipe with plastic-based substrate achieved 0.6% relative biodegradation after 75 days. "Using those test methods, the plant-based wipe breaks down approximately 800 times faster than the plastic wipe 4 ," Dr. Fast said. "In a landfill, the plastic wipe will virtually never break down." In addition to these sustainability-related benefits, Ecolab's readily degradable disinfectant wipe delivers greater operational efficiency to healthcare organizations. One of the biggest differences with a wipe substrate derived from wood-pulp fibers is that the wipes are more absorbent and also distribute chemical much more effectively across surfaces than wipes made with plastic substrates. "A person can cover a much greater surface area with one of our new wipes made with wood-pulp fibers than with a plastic wipe," Dr. Fast said. "Fewer wipes are needed to get the same job done. Not only does that improve operational efficiency, it also means that fewer wipes go into the garbage when the cleaning is done." Ecolab recently partnered with one hospital, part of a larger academic health system, on a wipes study, which investigated how moving to the 100% wood-pulp based wipe solution in the operating room would affect single-use plastic and cardboard waste. Over the course of the study, this hospital saw a 36% reduction in total wipes used 5 . In another study, a 60% reduction in total wipe utilization was observed, compared to the market leading plastic-based wipe 6 . If the same results were realized across this entire health system, based on the total amount of disinfectant wipes being used, this particular health system could potentially eliminate nearly 40-60 metric tons of single-use plastic waste, annually, from landfills – equivalent to between half a million and one million two-liter plastic bottles. Looking ahead, sustainability initiatives in healthcare are only expected to grow Ecolab is committed to helping protect the environment, addressing social concerns and adhering to responsible policies and practices. "Many people at Ecolab want to make a difference in the world," Dr. Fast said. "The impact of businesses and industries on sustainability has a multiplier effect. If we develop solutions that benefit broad sectors like mining, automotive, manufacturing or healthcare, they create a bigger, positive impact at scale than individuals can make by themselves." By aligning with its core values of people health, planet health and business health, Ecolab continues to drive innovation and sustainability in the healthcare sector. "In the sphere of people health, the company anticipates a shift toward more sustainable healthcare practices that help to safeguard patient well-being, such as the use of non-toxic materials and lower- emission medical equipment," Mr. Peelman said. Planet health considerations are driving innovation in water stewardship, with Ecolab leading the charge to help healthcare facilities implement water reduction, reuse and recycling practices. "Much like water conservation, single-use plastic reductions represent a significant opportunity for healthcare providers to enhance their sustainability profiles, while also achieving cost savings and operational efficiencies — all key aspects of business health," Mr. Peelman said. Embracing a sustainability mindset is good for both the planet and for healthcare organizations. Ecolab's new, 100% plastic-free 3 disinfectant hospital wipe is a great example of how innovative product development can help to create safer patient environments 7 and greater operational efficiency, while reducing the volume of single-use plastics being sent into the healthcare waste stream. "Ecolab is eager to partner with healthcare organizations to create a holistic approach to sustainability that benefits patient care, the environment and the healthcare industry's bottom line," Mr. Peelman said. "We're committed to sustainable practices, digital innovations and progressive approaches that support global public health and environmental well-being." A trusted partner for millions of customers, Ecolab is a global sustainability leader offering water, hygiene and infection prevention solutions and services that protect people and the resources vital to life. Ecolab Healthcare delivers infection prevention solutions to healthcare facilities, aiming to improve cleanliness and operational efficiency. Our analytics and insights help providers enhance key economic metrics by reducing length of stay, mitigating infections, driving productivity, speeding room turnover, and improving environmental hygiene services. 1 2023 DRG data & internal calculations used to determine total wipe volume. 2 Based on product specifications of a 6" x 6.7" wipe, with 34 gsm substrate, 160 wipes per canister and combined canister and lid mass of 100 g. 3 Wipe substrate is 100% plastic-free. Soft pack packaging comprised of plastic. Represents a 90%+ reduction in total plastic compared to the total plastic mass of a wipe canister containing 160 plastic wipes. 4 ASTM D5511 quantitative third-party laboratory tests performed have demonstrated 94.3% relative biodegradation in 15 days of accelerated landfill testing, for the Ecolab Disinfectant 1 Wipe, made with substrate derived 100% from wood pulp fibers and 0.6% relative biodegradation for a standard plastic-based wipe under the same test conditions. Actual rates of degradation will vary based on landfill conditions. 5 Research conducted over a 4-week period in the OR of an acute care facility demonstrated a reduction in wipes used when compared to a market leading alcohol-based wipe. Actual results will vary based on operating conditions. Ecolab research available upon request. 6 Research conducted over a 4-week period in the OR of an ambulatory surgery center demonstrated a reduction in wipes used when compared to the market leading alcohol-based wipe. Actual results will vary based on operating conditions. Ecolab research available upon request. 7 Disinfectant 1 Wipe, EPA Reg. No. 1677-263, refer to product label for use directions.

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