Becker's ASC Review

ASC_May_June_2024 Issue

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29 ORTHOPEDICS Spine surgeons on alert for these red flags when joining new groups By Carly Behm A s with any job search, there are many factors to weigh when deciding to accept an offer. For spine surgeons, those considerations include contacts, ownership plans and communication. Here are the red flags spine surgeons should know when looking at practices and health systems. Editor's note: Responses were lightly edited for clarity and length. Question: What are the red flags spine surgeons should consider when joining a practice or health system? Jeffrey Carlson, MD. Orthopaedic & Spine Center (Newport News, Va.): ere seems to be many changes for ownership in practices and health systems. It is important to ask questions about ownership and how it could change in the next five years. New physicians will want to know that the organization they are joining will have the same administrative structure they are expecting for a long career. If the president or CEO of the practice opportunity is expecting to leave the job in three years, the physician will want to do more investigation. Brian Fiani, DO. Mendelson Kornblum Orthopedic & Spine Specialists (West Bloomfield, Mich.): Some red flags spine surgeons should consider when joining a practice or health system include high turnover rates among staff, poor communication between team members, a lack of access to necessary resources and equipment, limited opportunities for professional growth and development, and a history of patient complaints or malpractice lawsuits. It's important for spine surgeons to thoroughly research and evaluate potential practices or health systems before making a decision to join. Brian Gantwerker, MD. e Craniospinal Center of Los Angeles: Over half of doctors, especially neurosurgeons, leave their first practice within the first one to two years. ere are some red flags colleagues have talked about that are worth mentioning. ere are two main ones to look out for: 1) promises made and promises kept; 2) not having everything in the paperwork. e first is, when you first start, and you were supposed to be doing your work in one area, and your partner or supervisor tells you at the eleventh hour that you are working somewhere else — either another location or another town completely, be careful. at means that there is a general feeling that you and your expectations are not being considered carefully. Contract negotiations can take a long time, careful planning — including getting a place to live, putting your kids in school, doggy daycare — it is not easy to suddenly have a huge commute to contend with. If your boss or partners do that, especially with a nonplussed attitude, beware. Secondly, if you agreed on it and it's not in the contract, don't expect it to materialize. Call expectations, RVUs, salary and partnership track all need to be spelled out clearly. As you interview, you may encounter opportunities that offer you a letter instead of an actual contract — caveat emptor. Get everything in print. Remember, a contract can be a saving grace or just a guideline for litigation. Hopefully,. it will be the former. Alex Vaccaro, MD, PhD. President at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute (Philadelphia): Spine surgeons continue to be one of the most sought-aer surgical specialties in healthcare. For spine surgeons evaluating their opportunities, the following are some key questions to pursue: 14,820 orthopedic surgeons in the US: 6 BLS stats to know By Carly Behm A n estimated 14,820 orthopedic surgeons work in the U.S, and the mean annual wage of $378,250, according to the newest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, released April 3. Here are six things to know about the specialty's compensation in the U.S. Note: Pediatric orthopedic surgeons are not included on this list. The bureau's latest data available is from May 2023. 1. Physician offices have the most orthopedic surgeons under employment followed by outpatient care centers and universities. 2. The top-paying setting for orthopedic surgeons is the outpatient care center. The annual mean wage there is $429,450. 3. Hospitals are the second highest-paying setting for orthopedic surgeons with an annual mean wage of $412,380. That's followed by physician offices ($380,460) and universities ($180,840). 4. The states with the most orthopedic surgeons are California (2,570), New York (1,260), Florida (1,140), Georgia (1,090) and Virginia (600). 5. The states with the highest concentration of jobs and location quotients in orthopedic surgeons are South Dakota, New Hampshire, Georgia, Wyoming and Maine. 6. The top-paying states for orthopedic surgeons are Florida, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Mexico and North Dakota. n

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