Becker's ASC Review

November/December 2023 Issue of Becker's ASC Review

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22 HEALTHCARE NEWS 22 ADVERTISINGINDEX Note: Ad page number(s) given in parentheses HST Pathways. (pg. 23) nimble solutions. (pg. 24) Olympus America. / (855) 647-5162 (pgs. 7-10) Stryker. (pg. 2) Zimmer Biomet. (pg. 3) 'Quiet thriving' a positive spin on 'quiet quitting' By Kelly Gooch T he phrase "quiet quitting" — referring to a phenomenon in which employees reduce their enthusiasm at work and stick to the minimum expectations of their role — gained traction on social media and in the news in 2022, and continues to be referenced today. Other phrases have also gained traction in recent years as workers were reassessing their work and roles, including "grumpy staying" and "bare minimum Mondays." Members of Generation Z in entry-level jobs have oen coined these phrases in reaction to increased dissatisfaction at work. Some employees have also expressed their dissatisfaction by "rage applying." But in a Washington Post article, Lesley Alderman, a psychotherapist and writer based in New York City, makes a case for "quiet thriving" as an alternative to "quiet quitting." She writes that "quiet thriving" involves people "taking specific actions and making mental shis that help you to feel more engaged on the job." Ms. Alderman goes on to provide 10 steps for people to thrive at work, including finding one thing to love or like about your job, cultivating a best friend at work, and setting positive intentions for yourself. n Healthcare is a hot spot for female CEOs By Alexis Kayser H ealthcare companies and hospitals are among the industries most likely to appoint a female CEO, according to an Oct. 19 report from Challenger, Gray & Christmas. The rate of new CEOs who are women has held steady at 29% in 2023 across all industries, according to the consulting firm. That's 3 percentage points higher than it was during the same time period in 2022. Government and nonprofit organizations are the most likely to hire a female CEO, at a rate of 42.05%. Healthcare and healthcare products came in second place, hiring female CEOs at a rate of 9.7%. Hospitals took third with a 6.74% hire rate. So far in 2023, 370 women have taken the helm of U.S. companies. n

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