Becker's Hospital Review is published by ASC Communications.
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Infection Control ...........................................................................................................................................................................3
Patient Safety & Outcomes ........................................................................................................................................................6
Patient & Caregiver Experience ................................................................................................................................................9
Quality Improvement & Measurement ..................................................................................................................................14
Nursing Spotlight .......................................................................................................................................................................18
Recent CNO, CMO & Chief Quality Officer Moves ..............................................................................................................23
Advertising Index ......................................................................................................................................................................23
Scott Becker / Publisher
Molly Gamble / Vice President of Editorial
Laura Dyrda / Vice President, Editor-in-Chief
Brian Zimmerman / Assistant Vice President, Client Content and Strategy
Mackenzie Bean / Assistant Vice President, Managing Editor
Alan Condon / Editor-in-Chief
John Scheibel / Deputy Editor
Kelly Gooch / Senior Editor/Enterprise Lead
Erica Carbajal / Editor
Jakob Emerson / Editor
Carly Behm / Assistant Editor
Patsy Newitt / Assistant Editor
Ariana Portalatin / Assistant Editor
Marcus Robertson / Assistant Editor
Naomi Diaz / Assistant Editor
Giles Bruce / Assistant Editor
Riz Hatton / Assistant Editor
Nick Thomas / Associate Editor
Kara Hemphill / Copy Chief
Emily Lieberman / Copy Editor
Chris Sosa / Copy Editor
Rylee Wilson / Writer/Reporter
Alexis Kayser / Writer/Reporter
Andrew Cass / Writer/Reporter
Noah Schwarz / Writer/Reporter
Paige Haeffele / Writer/Reporter
Paige Twenter / Writer/Reporter
Claire Wallace / Writer/Reporter
Hayley DeSilva / Writer/Reporter
Mariah Taylor / Writer/Reporter
Ashleigh Hollowell / Writer/Reporter
Cameron Cortigiano / Writer/Reporter
Jessica Cole / President and Chief Executive Officer
312-505-9387 / jcole@beckershealthcare.com
Jim Milligan / Chief Financial Officer
312-414-0966 / jmilligan@beckershealthcare.com
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219-746-2149 / katwood@beckershealthcare.com
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319-804-5149 / astokes@beckershealthcare.com
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312-254-1531 / awarner@beckershealthcare.com
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312-448-9239 / egoodman@beckershealthcare.com
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312-982-0032 / aengel@beckershealthcare.com
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312-448-9241 / mvieceli@beckershealthcare.com
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708-822-1786 / mtaylor@beckershealthcare.com
Haley Jones / Senior Director, Sales Strategy
312-929-3682 / hjones@beckershealthcare.com
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312-948-8559 / aleung@beckershealthcare.com
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847-704-0988 / clevy@beckershealthcare.com
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312-448-8145 / mtraverso@beckershealthcare.com