Becker's Dental + DSO Review

July 2022 Becker's Dental + DSO Review

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30 BECKER'S DENTAL + DSO REVIEW // VOL. 2022 NO. 2 THOUGHT LEADERSHIP ADVERTISINGINDEX Note: Ad page number(s) given in parentheses Dental Monitoring. (pg. 3) Heartland Dental. / (pgs. 10-13) Podium. (pg. 2) away from their practice because of the [COVID-19] restrictions and loss of business without even trying to sell their practice. Many, if not most, of the recent dental graduates owe at least $200,000 or more in student loans and can't afford to buy or open their own practice. They feel comfortable working for a DSO, in my opinion (as a dental mercenary). They can work or transfer from one DSO or another without any restrictions. Even- tually they will lack the skills of adminis- trating, finance and marketing in order to either buy or open their own practice. They will end up with a false sense of se- curity by working for these DSOs. Even when they finally pay off their loans, they will not have built up any equity or expe- rience by not having their own practice. At that time, most will be unprepared to seek their own practice and will become too dependent by working for a DSO. Looking to the future, there are many more dental schools opening up, and hopefully some of these graduates will learn from the results of those working for a DSO that they will have the incen- tive to buy or open their own practice. In the next five to seven years, if there is no change in the outlook or incentive to buy or open your own practice, there will be about 35 percent of solo practi- tioners left. I advise all solo practitioners that are left to avoid private equity firms attempting to buy your practice and you will lose out on any equity, goodwill and independence that have developed over the years. n Image Credit: Adobe Stock

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