Becker's ASC Review


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30 JOINT VENTURES 5 thoughts for a joint venture ASC + key concepts for building a strong operational structure By Laura Dyrda M ichael Patterson, president and CEO of Mississippi Valley Health in Davenport, Iowa, discussed the key aspects of a successful ASC joint venture. Question: What is your best advice for ensuring hospitals and physicians form healthy ASC joint ventures? Michael Patterson: Here are five thoughts for healthy joint ventures: 1. Set clear expectations going into the relation- ship as to what each party expects from the other. 2. Be open to change, especially those that im- prove the patient experience, promote quality and strengthen the bottom line. 3. Encourage timely communication between the parties and don't just wait for board meet- ings to discuss issues or opportunities. 4. See the issue from each other's perspective — while these organizations are partners in the joint venture, they may also be friendly com- petitors; understand the nuances that go along with being a partner and a competitor. 5. Learn from each other and don't be afraid to ask for help when needed. Q: What works well in terms of building a strong culture and operational structure for the ASC? MP: Develop a strategic plan, ensure that your people are the foundation of that plan and in- vest time, resources and money into recruiting and keeping top performers. Our leadership team encourages everyone to be 'owners' in the organization. We foster a culture in which we are all accountable for each other's performance. We manage up and practice servant leadership. is is very important. We conduct monthly [meetings with] all em- ployees and have some very specific questions we ask of each person. In addition, we conduct 90-day performance appraisals: what that means is that every 90 days we sit down with our employees and jointly establish goals for the coming 90 days. It keeps us moving forward. We conduct employee forums three to four times a year and are very transparent with our performance. We include our progress towards our strategic plan goals, new opportunities, financial performance and opportunities for improvement. We have a scorecard that is updated monthly and posted for all employees, which includes quality, operational, patient satisfaction, finan- cial targets and our results. We want to report this info in a timely manner as to ensure every- one knows how we are doing and if we need improvements in key areas of the scorecard. e leadership team is expected to be very vis- ible with patients, family and staff. We celebrate our wins and we learn from our mistakes. We recognize that our biggest asset is the people that work in our facilities. We offer continuing education opportunities, off-site retreats and encourage advanced certifications in their area of expertise. n

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